The Wolf Hall Picture Book
4th Estate
Created in collaboration with Ben Miles and Hilary Mantel.
A psychobiography of the life of Thomas Cromwell that combines colour photographs with commentary and extracts from The Wolf Hall Trilogy, some of them previously unpublished. The book reveals a world that is shadowy, frightening, sometimes whimsical - a portrait of a country in conversation with its past.
20 x 24cm, 128 pages Hardback
Occasional Picture Stories
Fall Line Press and Outlaw Books
Pristine Edifice re-published and extended with an accompanying text alongside pictures and writing from James Marvin, Bill Boling, and Dawn Kim
Letterpress cover with French flaps
15 x 21 cm, 55 pages
Wire stitched
48 pictures & 4 texts
Edition of 44
Hemlockstone Press
Serendib is an ancient Persian name for the island of Sri Lanka from which Horace Walpole derived the word serendipity. This book is an attempt to connect with the energies of an unfamiliar land through chance encounters.
21x15cm, 62 pages
Perfect bound with dust jacket
edition of 50
Pristine Edifice
Self published artist's book
A meditation on America whilst strolling along a back street of Coney Island. A eulogy for a country on the brink of madness and self harm. A love poem to 80s Corvettes.
Hand sewn
Edition of 7
King's Landing
Outlaw Books
King's Landing is a psychogeographical guidebook to the island of Lokrum that weaves deadpan colour photographs with selected text from tourism websites.
Perfect Bound
14 x 21cm, 48 pages
Edition of 150
Where Druids Died
Antler Press
A response to the island of Anglesey, last enclave of the Druids. A land still vibrating with memory of their slaughter by the Romans in AD 60.
2 unique screen printed covers
15x21cm, Wire stitched
Edition of 100

Views of Matlock Bath
Black Dog Publishing
Enchanted woods, car parks, picnic benches, and grand views; nature and the man-altered, tenderly described with an empathy for the immutable spirit of the land. The book channels the visual tropes of Landscape, many of which were consolidated within this valley.
30x26.5cm, Hardback
96 pages
Bramcote Park
MagCloud, print on demand
Book one. Midsummer. 
The first part of the journey between The Hemlockstone and Lenton Abbey. Colour photographs of a park showing traces of use, abuse, and management alongside lists of the people and creatures that use it.
20.5 x 27.3cm
Perfect bound
Bramcote Hills
MagCloud, print on demand
Book two. Harvest. 
At the time of photographing the site had been abandoned for two years (now being used for other recreational activities: dog walking, casual trespassing, and photography, to name a few) The only signs of its former purpose being found within traces upon the land (or Google Maps)
20.5 x 27.3cm
Perfect bound
Bramcote Ridge
MagCloud, print on demand
Book three. Spring. 
Found images from The Enemy of the Rose combine with images from a walk along Bramcote Ridge to slice through space and time.
20.5 x 27.3cm
Perfect bound
Lenton Abbey
MagCloud, print on demand
Book four. Autumn. 
Colour photographs taken along a straight line that pierces car parks, deer parks, sports grounds, and medieval texts.
20.5 x 27.3cm
Perfect bound
Lenton Priory
MagCloud, print on demand
Book five. Winter.
The final book of The Devil Fell Short. Colour photographs and text naming use of buildings describe the last part of the journey between The Hemlockstone and Lenton Priory at the turning of the year.
20.5 x 27.3cm
Perfect bound
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